Users of iOS devices like the iPad and Mac may have found that his device is running slow and disrupt the activities of work.
In order to cope with these problems, there are five steps you can do to restore Your iDevice speed performance.
Reported by Ibtimes, Monday (27/12/2012), to improve the speed performance of the device the iPad and Mac, here are five steps you can apply:
Clear The Clutter
A bad file management is the most common obstacle to occur at this time. Dianggurkan Data so it will "take the place" and increases the load on the hard drive. In particular, device performance speed will weaken biila data consists of thousands of image files and music. You can copy iTunes and iPhoto library to external hard drives, internal data storage space so You will be able to more "relieved".
Start the application required
Don't let the variety of applications open and leave it well enough alone. You can close the application as needed and continuing on a more mainstream applications. Multimedia and gaming applications takes a lot of RAM memory. In addition to the burden of memory that kian terpikul, the battery will be depleted faster.
Update OS
To update the Operating System, then this will improve the quality and performance of the system as a whole. The older system (not updated) can cause "kelemotan" that makes the speed of the device to be slow. Update the OS to be the best option to go to the new firmware version.
Restart The Device Periodically
iOS was designed to be able to walk in a long period of time. Thus, the system also automatically perform maintenance. However, by way of a restart of the device, then it would be able to recover a load of RAM memory and prevent some technical problems such as hanging or auto-restart.
Time Machine (Time Machine)
This is a backup system that will store the devices in case of an emergency. This feature is set to perform storage on a specified time interval (for example, once every hour). This feature is able to save RAM, and other sources. Place the Time Machine in the manual and check regularly to make your own backups, as you prefer.
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