Hello World! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pharetra, tellus sit amet congue vulputate, nisi erat iaculis nibh, vitae feugiat sapien ante eget mauris. Cras elit nisl, rhoncus nec iaculis ultricies, feugiat eget sapien. Pellentesque ac felis tellus. Aenean sollicitudin imperdiet arcu, vitae dignissim est posuere id. Duis placerat justo eu nunc interdum ultrices.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pharetra, tellus sit amet congue vulputate, nisi erat iaculis nibh, vitae feugiat sapien ante eget mauris. Cras elit nisl, rhoncus nec iaculis ultricies, feugiat eget sapien. Pellentesque ac felis tellus. Aenean sollicitudin imperdiet arcu, vitae dignissim est posuere id. Duis placerat justo eu nunc interdum ultrices. Phasellus elit dolor, porttitor id consectetur sit amet, posuere id magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Suspendisse pharetra auctor pharetra. Nunc a sollicitudin est. Curabitur ullamcorper gravida felis, sit amet scelerisque lorem iaculis sed. Donec vel neque in neque porta venenatis sed sit amet lectus. Morbi tristique posuere consequat. Sed bibendum tincidunt porttitor. Maecenas ut lorem lacus. Suspendisse et sem odio, at eleifend massa. Donec ut hendrerit enim.
Fusce ornare elit nisl, feugiat bibendum lorem. Vivamus pretium dictum sem vel laoreet. In fringilla pharetra purus, semper vulputate ligula cursus in. Donec at nunc nec dui laoreet porta eu eu ipsum. Sed eget lacus sit amet risus elementum dictum. Pellentesque sit amet imperdiet nunc. Aenean tellus mi, adipiscing sit amet laoreet eget, lobortis quis nisl. Quisque volutpat urna orci, id gravida nisi. Nullam posuere interdum est sit amet aliquam. Suspendisse malesuada metus ac enim feugiat commodo. Nullam eu consectetur nulla. Praesent faucibus condimentum quam.
Your blog is your personal online diary which combines the text, images and other media, and links to other blogs, web pages related to topics described in posts.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pharetra, tellus sit amet congue vulputate, nisi erat iaculis nibh, vitae feugiat sapien ante eget mauris.
Cras elit nisl, rhoncus nec iaculis ultricies, feugiat eget sapien. Pellentesque ac felis tellus. Aenean sollicitudin imperdiet arcu.
Duis placerat justo eu nunc interdum ultrices. Phasellus elit dolor, porttitor id consectetur sit amet, posuere id magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse pharetra auctor pharetra. Nunc a sollicitudin est. Curabitur ullamcorper gravida felis, sit amet scelerisque lorem iaculis sed. Donec vel neque in neque porta venenatis sed sit amet lectus. Morbi tristique posuere consequat. Sed bibendum tincidunt porttitor. Maecenas ut lorem lacus. Suspendisse et sem odio, at eleifend massa. Donec ut hendrerit enim.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Most of us use a car freshener / room to "expel" bad smell of cigarette smoke is dangerous for the car. Why dangerous???"Because cigarette smoke is the smoke that contains acid, if the acid is in the mix with the fragrance composition, your car can be exposed to the fungus, the fungus usually in under the seat and under the seat."Now, therefore, Hariez will share knowledge about REMOVING THE SMELL OF CIGARETTES IN THE CAR WITH SAFE. Although I myself have not got a car.
It's how:
* Hardware combat:
1. Bowl / container of water by two (depending on the car)2. Water Vinegar3. Cotton / Fabric4. CAR
* Preparation fight:
1. Fill the container with enough water earlier (not to be filled)2. Pour vinegar into the water container was filled with water to taste.3. Put cotton / cloth into a container that has been mixed with water and vinegar.
* Implementation of the fight:
1. Put a container that already contains the herb was in the car.2. Place the herb and its container under the seat or anywhere but at the bottom.3. Let stand for 10 minutes or more.
* Signs of battle victories:
1. Cotton / linen changed color (usually yellow)2. The air in the car fresh3. Aura nice car.
If the above has been done but it does not happen, then the possibilities:
1. You have not mastered the science2. Impatient in the process of fighting3. Cotton / linen is too small.4. Your nose is clogged.5. YOU NOT HAVE A CAR.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
This time Hot ZapME will try to peel on a word processing application.
As we all know, this application is required when we are going to write a paper, report, article or a fad. Maybe for you guys just word processing application MS Word (Microsoft Word) only. Yes, this is because this application is very familiar and used in windows based operating system that is widely used in the world, especially offices and schools.
But you know what word processing application (Word Processing) than MS Word?? Ok, for the uninitiated, it's time to tell Hot ZapME and who already know can give criticism and advice.
This is her list of applications other than MS Word word processor:
Notepad is the default word processing application operating system Windows. So every install Windows notepad usually are installed automatically.
Notepad is a simple text editor, Notepad normally used by programmers to write code or configuration change for example to change the HTML.
2. WordPad
Wordpad is itself a default word processing application from the Windows operating system. Although the default of Windows, Wordpad has a feature that is more complete than his brother because Wordpad Notepad has the ability to insert date, objects, formatting text, paragraphs leveling, insert bullet and organize tabs writing. To run Wordpad is similar to Notepad.
3. StarOffice Writer
StarOffice Writer is a word processing application similar to Microsoft Office difference only lies in extensinya only. If MS Word using the extension. StarOffice Writer doc then use the extension. Odt, but can be changed to. Doc. StarOffice combines the functions of word processing, HTML editing, spreadsheets, graphic design, presentation, e-mail, news reader, or agenda and scheduling database.
StarOffice can run on Windows-based operating systems and Mac OS (Apple).
4. Open Office Writer
This word processor is an application like MS Word Open Office developed different GPL (General Public License). So the program is freely distributed for free.
Features available in Open Office Writer, among others: Tables in Open Office Writer can calculate formula (add between cell). Open Office has the innate facility "export as PDF" so no need to buy Adobe Acrobat to create air file extension. Pdf. Open Office Writer also include Style, headers, footers, numbering fami up dimilik merge as Microsoft Word.
5. AbiWord
Just like Open Office, Abiword is a GPL licensed application and was developed by the OpenSource community. This program may be obtained for free by downloading from the official website at www.abiword.org for free. Abiword has a small size which is about 5 MB.
6. KWord
This application uses the GPL and developed by the KDE (K Desktop Environment) desktop that is a sphere that is often used in Linux-based operating system. Word processing application can be used on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. KOffice also provide the KWord word processor, KSpread to spreadsheetr, KPresenter for presentations, charts and KChart for KFormula for formula editor.
7. Atlantis Word Processor
Atlantis Word Processor is a word processor and has a display much like MS Word. Atlantis extension supports formats such as Document (doc), Rich Text Format (RTF), Encrypted Document (COD), and standard text format (txt).
It is a small part of the word processing application (Word Processor) which actually contained tens or even hundreds of others.
This time Hot ZapME will share about computer science or rather 'result if we charge the laptop with the battery removed'. Often when we are busy with our laptop suddenly out balloon tips that give warning of low battery power 7% or 10 minutes. It certainly makes us immediately charge our laptops so do not die and can continue to work or play games on our favorite laptop. You've heard that charge a laptop battery is installed and is still used for work or play games will make the life of the battery is reduced and the weight of the battery pack is damaged, so it is not rare to remove a laptop battery while continuing to work or play games on the laptop. But do you know the harmful effects of removing the laptop battery laptop condition is still on?
If you do not know the bad effects or side effects of removing the laptop battery charge current, tranquil Hot ZapME will share their knowledge and experience to you.
Remove the laptop battery when the charge is stupid that we usually do, we think if the laptop battery is removed the battery will be fine. Indeed, the battery will be fine and durable, but the laptop will be easily damaged. Why so? Because the battery in the laptop's existing voltage stabilizer keep the stability of the incoming power. So when the power goes up or down, power on the laptop will remain the same. Moreover, we live in Indonesia, which is famous for its electric rise and fall.
Well up here already existing picture of the result of removing the laptop battery charge time is not it?
As a result of removing the laptop battery charge time is:
1. Laptop heat fast and slow.
2. Laptop can damage components, especially hard drives, screens, keyboards and some electronic circuits inside the laptop like a capacitor.
3. Laptop hangs frequently because power is not stable.
4. Damage to the charger for laptop batteries are used as power breaker after a full battery no.
5. What's worse, the laptop can be burned (rare)
After knowing the harmful effects of removing the laptop battery when in charge, what andat still want to remove the laptop battery when the charge on the grounds that the battery last longer? All depends on you.
Who am I?
You have probably heard about the importance of self-understanding. Anyone must know himself. However, self-understanding can not be achieved easily. Constantly we have to explore who we are, in depth.
If just answering questions about identity, place and date of birth, address, occupation and the like, we probably will not have trouble. However, the actual pahamkah us against ourselves? Who are we really? For what we are born and live? As if our lives be? And so on. Answering these questions with the depth is not as easy as imagined.
Who am I?
If you are asked, "Who are you?", There would be a wide response from everyone. To help answer that question, at least etap perspective that can serve basis.
From the spiritual point of view at least a possible answer is as follows.
1. I am God's creatures called humans.
2. I was created by God as a sign of the power of his greatest on earth.
3. I am a man who was given the responsibility by God to preserve, cultivate the world so that developed and meaningful to the lives of all God's creatures.
4. Based on your religion might be the answer.
There are actually quite a lot of other points of view, which can add to answer the question of "who we are", as well as a legal perspective, economic, or human rights.